School/Crash Time

by HANIF on Wednesday, January 07, 2009

So school mid-term 2 started this monday and ever since then, everything starts to fall apart, slowly.

Bloody shit, i got back my common test all with shits results, though some were better than I had expected. I failed one, completely had zero for it cause mothafucking teacher say I plagrise. Serious he should just go screw some whore at geylang and die of sexual excitement man , it's totally ridiculous when my friend cant even use it as a reference and he modified it fully but yet he say we copy. Alright he caught us there but at least don't fail all la, chaocheebye fail me also. knn, den now what? study his shit stuff all over again. and got my score capped at 50% . bloody dick la.

and so after school, i motivate myself to go for bike prac and guess what? I fail twice already including today. zzz . please man, I really hope to pass my prac by my birthday man.